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Cyber Security for Engineers
- Introduction to Computer and Network Security
- Security Principles
- Cryptographic Tools and Proper use of Cryptography
- PKI and Certificates
- Password Security
- Usable Security
- Operating System Security
- Malware and Computer Viruses
- Network Security (LAN, TCP/IP, DNS, BGP, NAT)
- Denial of Service (DoS, DDoS)
- Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, SSH, VPN
- Web Security, HTTP/HTTPS
- Wireless Network Security (WEP, WPA)
- Phishing, Clickjacking, Browser Extensions, Cookies
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF)
- SQL Injection
- Email Security
- Web Privacy and TOR
- Physical Security
- Authentication Security, Passwords, Biometrics, Kerberos
- Side Channel Security (introduction)
- Cyber Forensics (introduction)
- Penetration Testing (introduction)
- RFID, Credit Card, Passport, GSM, SIM Card Security
- Disk Encryption (TrueCrypt, BitLocker, FileVault)
- Mobile Device Security (introduction)
- Applied Labs
Educator: Prof. Alptekin Küpçü
Cyber Security for Everyone
- Fundamentals of Computer and Network Security
- Security Principles
- Proper use of Cryptography
- Web, HTTPS, PKI and Certificates
- Password Security
- Usable Security
- Malware and Computer Viruses
- Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, VPN, Wireless Network Security
- Web Security, HTTP/HTTPS, Phishing, Cookies, Email, Spam
- Web Privacy
- Identity Theft
- Mobile Device Security (introduction)
- Authentication, RFID, Credit Card, Passport, GSM Security
- Security and Privacy & Machine Learning
- Applied Projects
Educator: Prof. Alptekin Küpçü
Robotics, Security, and Privacy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- Fundamentals of Computer and Network Security
- Security Principles
- Proper use of Cryptography
- Web, HTTPS, PKI and Certificates
- Password Security
- Usable Security
- Malware and Computer Viruses
- Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, VPN, Wireless Network Security
- Web Security, Phishing, Cookies, Email, Spam
- Web Privacy
- Identity Theft
- Mobile Device Security (introduction)
- Authentication, RFID, Credit Card, Passport, GSM Security
- Security and Privacy & Machine Learning
- Applied Projects
- Robotics (introduction)
- Artificial Intelligence (introduction)
- Machine Learning (introduction)
- Healthcare, Logistics, and other Applications
- AI, ML, and Robotics Market
- Automation
- Ethics
- Crucial Employer and Employee Skills for the world of Robotics and AI
- Case Studies
Educators: Asst. Prof. Barış Akgün & Prof. Alptekin Küpçü
Blockchains and Security
- Fundamentals of Blockchains
- Incorrect Myths about Blockchains
- Application Areas- Cryptographic Tools and Proper use of Cryptography
- Incorrect Myths about Cryptography
- Blockchain History
- Mining
- Decentralization, Centralization, Pools
- Privacy and Anonymity
- Peer-to-Peer and Distributed Systems (introduction)
- Attacks and Defenses on Blockchain Systems
- Consensus Algorithms
- Blockchain and Node Types
- Crypto-Currencies, Wallet, Token
- Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFT, DApp
- Smart Contracts, Gas, Outsourcing Computation
- Solidity and Ethereum
- Applied DApp Lab
Educators: Assoc. Prof. Kamer Kaya & Prof. Alptekin Küpçü